David Sims

It certainly occured to me. Didn't he even give Hoyt a cheeky poke with the baton at one point? I imagine living with the constantly boxer-shorted Jason would really do a number on one's self-esteem.

It's hard though, because The Chinese Restaurant is sort of the pioneer episode, and while the Parking Garage might be a bit better, it's less of a shock because they did something like it last season. And you don't wanna just go around handing out A+ willy-nilly!

O-Town! Making the Band! They had the best (really, the worst) clean-dirty pop song ever: Liquid Dreams!

Ooh, thanks for catching the Bill/Eric typo.

I think the main reason I like The Baby Shower is George's realization of the power women hold over him. I definitely accept that there's a lot of shaky elements in the episode. Grading Seinfeld is kinda hard!

I love the packing the suitcase scene, but for some reason her monologue describing the trip doesn't do it for me. Except when she describes, with dread, the Van Wyck Expressway. As I, too, have wrestled with the Van Wyck and lost.

Hello, Superman. Hello.

Wow. I totally figured they had broken up by now? Well, good for you, Dax.

It's true. Having Glee, Justified, Parenthood, The Good Wife and V (which I would cut, but I was recapping it) on the same night was just cruel, especially considering what dumping grounds so many other nights have become.

I thought that was funny too. Especially his hushed tones as he revealed it. I love the continued lionization of John May who in his one episode was the lamest revolutionary I've ever seen.

Haha, I'd love to get one up there, but NBC's site was being awful so I had to scramble. I'll try to replace it later.

Yeah, the F was mostly just for how pissed I was that the show seemed to be taking a turn in the right direction, then dashed it all.

I asked for blue, and the sales clerk said, "sorry, we only have pink. Can you handle that?" What could I say to that but yes?

Ugh, I'm with you on the V countdown clock. Whatever moron on ABC decided that would make people want to watch V needs to be fired.

Good point. Fixed.

I didn't MIND, I was just kind of surprised, considering how HBO have marketed it in the Entourage vein. But the more low-key aspects of the show are what have me interested, it's why I gave it a C+.

Not a one in the pilot. They barely even swear!

Kid Cudi is barely in the pilot at all but does more later, I think.

I was too zonked to watch all of Craig last night, but he's my absolute favorite late-night host, basically for the reasons you guys are saying - he's never stilted or boring during his monologues, he usually doesn't waste time on distracting bits, and, well, he's sexy.