David Sims

I agree on the McPoyles - I think they're just the one joke, not that funny. But I love the episode where they take the gang hostage. Not so much for the McPoyles…just a fucking funny episode.

Fair point. Blame my very, very faint memories of Good Will Hunting, which I haven't seen since it came out.

I'm definitely with you on the script scene, the sausages, and the penetration. But the episode on a whole, I agree with Guancous: wheel-spinnin'.

Forgot about her. She was Tory from BSG. She'd be a good candidate for a V.

That makes much more sense than what I thought. Of course she's a V now. Good point!

Totally true. They should just rip their faces off, like Homer does to Clinton and Dole in that Treehouse of Horror.

I'm ordering a #38 if that's the case.

it's the only way to think of it. cause everyone seems so goddamn pleased there.

considering union hall is on 5th ave in the middle of the happy happy slope, it's not a very scary place to be. I will be making the arduous 10-minute trek across the train-tracks from Fort Greene to be there!

I definitely agree. I probably should have given it an A, but I pussied out.

Before even watching the episode, I felt like V's biggest advantage was its premise. That's what my mind led off with.

Er, I haven't seen the original series. Maybe bits and pieces of episodes on daytime tv, but never more than five minutes. All I know is what I've gleaned through pop culture osmosis.

I agree that among many weak links, the kids were the most infuriating. Did they have to react to every example of AMAZING SPACE TECHNOLOGY with horny grins?

Oop, thanks for pointing that out - I meant 'alone among.' Fixed!

Honestly, the only 'allegory' I detected was that the aliens were responsible for basically everything bad that's happened (like war, or poverty, or disease, or whatever) as long as they've been there (an ambiguous amount of time). Which is too broad to mean much of anything.

No, I was being serious, I think he has kind of a dumb-hick look to him, but hey, it's a look!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the Holidee Inn. Couldn't tell if it was another meta-joke or if they're just so cheap they can only secure the rights to Dave and Busters.

I agree, New No. 2. Every episode this season has been either totally plotless, or just abandoned the plot about halfway through. I don't really mind it but in past seasons Sunny has had great dovetailing stories, I hope they pull of a couple this year.

You're probably right. I was just baffled by her suddenly springing to life to toss a drink at Dee, then going catatonic again. Pretty funny, though.

This show is the Damages of the sci-fi/nerd genre. It's a lot of boring, paiiiinfully slow advancement of the story for 40 minutes and then they throw in super-exciting shit in the last two so you feel compelled to stick with it.