David Sims

Of course, it's somewhat balanced by the fact that Dee will probably be attacked mercilessly by the hornets too.

I definitely understand this. But I also appreciate the show for unlocking DeVito's talent for the first time in years, really, and making him kind of a pop culture thing again. They definitely stressed DeVito a lot more than the others in the second season ads but it's calmed down since then, but still, I know what

Forgot to mention Nora Dunn. She is everywhere these days.

Hell of a game, so I missed this too, but I love the point you made about failure being the pinnacle of sports, in a way. I mean, fans gloating about their team's triumphs is almost always really boring. But is there anything more captivating than humiliation and painful, painful loss?

We did cover last week's, just click on the It's Always Sunny icon in the right-hand bar…

i agree
With the commenters saying this was the best ep yet. Mostly because of the film. That was the weirdest and sweetest thing I've seen on a sitcom in a long while. Also, the birthday cake.

John Laroquette Show
I'd love to have a DVD release of it as I've never seen it but I've heard fascinating things about it, plus the cast makes it seem like it's quality stuff. Is there any chance, y'think, TV?

My girlfriend used to live in South Philly and was very excited to see the market given its dues.

I loved how Charlie had the two dozen hot dogs carefully balanced on his knee.

ron fucking swanson
Nick Offerman is already this show's B-story utility player. That guy could read an According to Jim script and make it funny.

The range rover was Dennis', cause he's rich, cause his family is rich. Right guys? I'm pretty sure about that one.

Ghost Ship!
I remember that mostly for the scene where everyone on the ship gets cut in half with a wire. I think that scene was basically the pitch for the whole movie.

For me, the reason the movie wasn't a total success was that I thought Zellweger's schtick seemed more forced while McGregor and Pierce and Sarah Paulson were more naturally charming. The movie's so ridiculously arch that the actors really had to walk a fine line. Her monologue could have been great in the hands