
Joaquin Phoenix reviewing the Cash Ledger for the band Phoenix who is covering Johnny Rivers

"Point your wand at objects while pressing X until one explodes into a pile of blocks. Press X again until the blocks become something you can either jump on or destroy to remove an obstacle."

How do you get shot in the head and not die?

The @ was for English Bill

@ - We'll trade you Rooney for Onyewu - straight up.

Actually it has a lot of odd cameos you wouldn't expect:

*puts hand softly, but firmly on PVC's shoulder / looks at ground*

Never played Trackmania.

I was wondering if you really meant Battlestar Galactica. I wouldn't have killed you… much.

Fly in a gale of squid tits.

Who is this Blad Runner you speak of?

Gold bikini.

Everyone needs to settle the fuck down.

Keep your head down, boy.

An even better question is simply, "Why?"

Gleaming Flaxen Waxen!

What about Borderlands?

Bobby Dall broke his finger last week.


Here's some hate for you.