
I'd vote for you.

Well, he'd be having sex with Candace Cameron Bure if she wasn't WORKING all the time.

She doesn't hate farming. Trump only appoints people who hate everything their department stands for.

Until they announce who will replace her.

Who will replace her?! Who could possibly replace her?!


Someone from France isn't Francian.

Wait, what? There are people who say the Ocarina of Time is a bad game?

I liked The Hobbit? But, heck, maybe someone reading it in a soothing monotone would do it. I mean, presuming I got over this problem of not being able to sleep if there's noise.

Scalia was this year!? How the hell long has this year been going on?!

Does it cheer you up that there hasn't been a human beyond Earth orbit in the lifetime of over 90% of all people who have ever lived?

The one being sung by Fiona Apple?

Oh, Jack Chick did die this year. God, I'm losing track.

Hm. Yeah, I suppose he was unbeloved by all but the most unreformed of Marxist-Leninists.

Has anyone we actually HATED died this year?


Whatever happened to Rappin' Jake Sisko?

I honestly don't think Ben Stein is a creationist. I think he and people like him wanted to lay down a foundation of "denying something is the same as it actually not being true" in the popular mind for important things like climate change and trickle-down economics, so they really gave shit like "teach the

Adult coloring books are so FUSSY. The reason coloring is supposed to be soothing is because it's a SIMPLE activity requiring not much thought once you've mastered hand-eye coordination and what color things are. But these adult coloring books are all these intricate designs with all kinds of fussy little areas that

Like most heads of state.