
The good ol' AVC commentariat. It's the absolute worst, except for all the others.

Yeah, for a game as chunky as 1st edition, where all you need is a to hit number, an attack value, damage done, and damage taken, you can get away with 15 monsters and just reskinning them over and over.

Where do you live?

I've found there's such a thing as being too prepared. Too many adventures in the bag, and you may find yourself unready to roll with it when your players have a, "Yes, Father, I WILL join the Dark Side and rule the galaxy at your side" moment.

I came to D&D comparatively late, given how long I've been a gamer, but is this a 1st edition meme? Did that many people that consistently misread % lair?

I would recommend getting the game system that is most popular in his area. Some areas 5th edition D&D is on top, and with a vengeance, but in other areas, you may find out it's Shadowrun or Pathfinder or (I've never seen it be the dominant game in an area, but there are stories) Runequest.

Those are Grungs. Think evil Grippli.

Rory, Jr.'s papa is obviously the Wookiee.

My go-to Karaoke song is Eagle Eye Cherry's "Save Tonight"

Pence strikes me as the sort not to be interested in sex at all.

Gun nuts were just provoking armed stand-offs with the FBI.

Jesus has very little to do with the faith of the White Evangelical Heretics.

For the most part, the Right's obsessions all tie directly into a fear that old white Christian fathers won't be in charge of literally everything anymore, and doing everything in their power to prevent that from happening.

Matthew is very concerned with connecting Jesus to David, so he starts off with a big pile of begats, but that's it in the NT. The OT has fewer begats than people go on about, really.

Which says almost nothing about those things either.

As soon as I get to it in my massive list of NetFlix series I "have to watch", I'll let you know.

Uhm. Starring in her own Netflix series, and, like, six movie roles in the last two years is "off track"?

If I had a wife, and if Gillian Jacobs started flirting with me, my wife would be 100% in the right to be concerned. I'm not proud of the fact, but it's still a fact.

Sazae-san, at 7071 episodes and climbing.

Holy Balls, Simpsons Safari is a TWELFTH season episode? Jesus, it's easily as bad as a 20th season episode.