
Lovecraft's monsters almost entirely lacked tentacles.

Rails and Sails adds a bit of complexity to the play experience, but it's still, you know, a Ticket to Ride game.

Maybe gaming is not for you.

Pathfinder, like GURPS, is like a cow. You don't eat an entire fucking cow. You select the cuts you want, and you use THOSE when making dinner.

5th edition is basically 2nd edition with 25 years of playtesting and learning from the mistakes of the past.

Supplements and modules of any game never go out of date unless you're one of those people who refuses to ever play anything but the newest edition.

GenCon saw a new Ticket to Ride expansion set in the Great Lakes region that isn't mentioned in this article.

You typically need all of one book to play in an RPG campaign, and sometimes if you have a game nerd like me in your group, you don't even need that.

What frustrates me the most about the Flanderization of Lovecraft in nerd culture is the inexplicable emphasis on tentacles.

I've heard of horror games where everyone is on board with the mood and themes, and plays the genre straight, but I've never seen it.

No Scythe, No Seafall, No Vast. I mean, honestly, it's nice to see them talking about some games other than the new critical darlings, but not to at least mention the big dogs?

Jiangshi are kind of played out, too.

Yeah, I was gonna say, not a single one of these games is one of the games the boardgame community is all atwitter over.

Those people are suckers.

The comic kicks ass.

The issue here, CBS, is I only want to fucking watch Star Trek, not any of the other garbage you're dumping on your stupid site. And I don't think there's ever been a Star Trek I liked enough to pay 10 bucks a month for.

Are you, perhaps, unfamiliar with Chris Brown's oeuvre? "Suddenly everyone's yelling and pointing guns" was, like, the theme of his bar mitzvah.

Why would you even have one of those?

Frank Ocean is Frank Sinatra's kid.

every once IN a while