
Nobody associated with the Republic has ever made a good decision in their lives.

Don't even get me started on all the terrible, problematic subtexts in Star Wars.

It was 8:30 AM on Monday morning.

More than one and it just becomes arguments between the factions.

The intent is to be fun and "Deadpool-y". Whether Warners can pull it off is a different question.

It doesn't pre-date D&D. It's good for when your 8 year old wants to know what you play or wants to do what daddy's doing.


I thought they'd already executed the guy. This is why we need penal reform!

Is this about DeflateGate?

Is anyone else as excited about the StevenNuke starting next Monday as I am?

I think a lot of folks would, but open threads have a tendency to take over commenting communities at the expense of more focused discussion.

Hammocks are ludicrously expensive for just being macrame.

It distracts us from the election.

To be fair, you'd be doing MORE if you convinced people who are voting for the worst candidate to vote for a better candidate.

I finally made enough money to open my first savings account roughly two years ago. I will NEVER be a homeowner unless I move hundreds of miles away from where I currently live and work. I know the whole fucking system is rigged and unless we burn it the hell down, it's just going to keep ratcheting down on everyone

Living in a battleground state, I don't have that luxury. I vote for which of the corporate-vetted major two candidates will fuck things up the least.

I've complained about this before, but if the GOP keeps throwing these apocalyptically bad canadidates up, I'm never going to be free to vote my conscience, because I'll be forced to vote for whatever lesser evil the Dems crapped out that year just to prevent the freaking Antichrist from winning.

I just want to watch the world burn, but I don't want to be the guy who lights the match. That's why I'm holding my nose and voting Hilary in November.

Actually, I just found out their official motto now is "Do the right thing"

It might be. Gives upper middle management time to get back to their gated communities.