
You never go with a predator to a second location!

Kids were made of sterner stuff back then.

I entirely and unironically like Love Yourself and What Do You Mean.

Dammit, when is Eli Roth's Turkey Fucking Magnum Opus, Thanksgiving, coming to theaters?

It's Kirby strange rather than Morrison strange, but yeah, it's good, just good in a very different way.

So, to actually talk about the comic, is Flex Mentallo going to be on the team for this run, or will he be getting a solo title? The preview is… uninformative… except to put him on the cover of… an unrelated magazine? Is the Previews cover a meta cover for the actual comic?


They're a bit more like an off-brand Fantastic Four prior to Morrison's run.

It's a Steven Universe reference!

I understand not wanting comments, because 95% of people who visit gossip sites are the worst human beings on the planet (believe me, The Superficial commenters make me wish for a superplague to wipe out humanity sometimes). But for the 5% of us who just take a weird thrill in human beings who have willingly become

Don't worry. We'll ruin it within a week.

We're pretty terrible people. We're just better than all those OTHER commenters.

I might've visited StarWipe, like ever, if they'd had comments.

It lasted for 9 seasons! What do you WANT?!

140 characters is a… little… shorter than the average Newswire.

It's Jeb!, thankyouverymuch.

That's because once you cross a certain Net Worth threshold, you are literally no longer bound by the laws of men. You can do whatever you please to whomever you please with no consequence, save your own ennui.

I'm a fan of the New Flesh article, at least.

I'd fucking join ISIS first.

It's the one Presidential skill he's good at.