

He should fake a degenerative brain disease like Spider Jerusalem did.

I'm not what you might call a strong guy, or tough, or even not a coward, but I don't feel like any of the women in that header picture could kick my ass, and that seems to be a failure on the part of the casting director.

Zeus wasn't a person. He was a God. Gods have different rules.

Unfortunately, she'll be a Size 2.

And Snedeker is Snake German, or Snerman.

Ghosts aren't noted for being emotionally or mentally stable.

It was consensual ghost sex.

She fucked a ghost.

I… I get very angry at bad time travel fiction.

The legacy Pope. His dad was Pope, and forced the college of Cardinals to elect his son after he'd died.

Ew! That's his sister, dude!

Mostly to piss you off.


What's DOFP?

mmm, yeah, I have to politely disagree. I enjoyed Civil War, but I loved Deadpool.

*narrows eyes*

He was 38, for those keeping score at home.

True, true. If we have to have a CONFIRMED murder, it's been over a thousand years.

No, you're supposed to say, "The man's never seen an X-Men in his life!"