
Look at the specs of the five games you want to play most, both minimum and recommended, and then start browsing big box websites until you find something that will run all of them and are in your price range, then start poking around the gamer nerd sites.

Selling literally 0 Xbox Scorpios.

Hee hee, "poots".

That's what early, early Doctor Who looked like on any TV.

I feel that way about Blu-Ray!

Way to remove the single advantage consoles had over PCs, corporations!

Oh, hey, I see the AV Club isn't calling the comments Reasonable Discussions anymore. Gee, huh, I wonder what made me think about that.

I was working from 3 PM to 11 PM Wednesday through Sunday in 2001, so Adult Swim was my savior. Something interesting on until 2 AM when I'd finally wound down enough to sleep. Thank you, Adult Swim!

I date who I want to date, Ilana Glazer! You're not the boss of me!

Good-bye ALF, your performer was really, really racist.

I've seen Deadpool and Zootopia, thanks?

It sure is!

Now ask for a better commenting system!

So many movies I can't even muster up antipathy for. They're just out there, not being watched by me.

I use, "I had a "pithy" line here, but I fir-got!"

They have that where you live, too?! I thought it was just my proximity to West Kansas that meant I got those commercials!

It's going to revitalize the edgy cartoon!

I'm on board for surreal, and right back off board with edgy.

Manu, the mountain that serves as the axis mundi in Buddhist thought.