
He's the 5th Baron Haden-Guest.

She has good taste in Street Fighters.

I pronounce it like "rise" but I think I pronounce it incorrectly.


What year were you in Grade 9?

Didn't say it was a major issue, just that it was my primary one.


Stay classy, @disqus_e7q0urCs89:disqus.

It's spelled cappadocius.

It certainly can be. It's not for everyone, but yeah, to be a good one, it really does need to be your calling.

My main issue is that Aquaman is blonde.

Aquaman should be the Black Panther of DC, instead of Black Panther being the Batman of Marvel.

"Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll die a cold, lonely death millions of miles from anyone you ever loved"

Rey, Leia, Phasma, and Maz Kanata. You keep forgetting her.

But seriously, it's pretty great that Episode 7 has three times as many female characters as Episode 4.

Doing post-production for August Falls.

All right, what about Maz Kanata?

Captain Phasma.

There actually aren't ANY wolf Pokémon. It's been a sticking point in the fandom for over a decade.