
Reminds them of their glory days when they were flooding the inner city with crack cocaine.

Just get a job with the CIA. Judging by The Rock and Stan Smith, they're all pretty big dudes.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea that this film posits, to wit, that one's stature is determined by how awesome a job one has.

Sharing our hot takes.

What do you have against horse-fucking?

I first read this as Michael Jackson, and I was prepared to give you some bad news.

I dunno. Commercials?

So I guess we're just not doing Spot.IM today. I must've been misinformed.

Wait, this is scripted? No deal, TV.

Shit's aspirational, yo.


That's somehow not unexpected.

I'm just killing time until the Spot.IM demo.

I like Rule 63 Rule 34.

It's considered his most unusual painting!

He's done at least one that's a city park, with a skyscraper and bridge!

I was wondering if they hit the regulars or if they just grab the drive-bys as if they were representative.

He's an android, duh doy.