Q Dog

This list is not complete, nowhere do I see The Stanglers, "Nuclear Device."

I had to go into crisis mode with my non-book reading girlfriend. Great episode!

MC Pee-pants is big on the coffee and pie nowadays!

MC Pee-pants is big on the coffee and pie nowadays!

Favorite Cooper line, "She was born in 1898 in a barn. She died on the 37th floor of a skyscraper. She was an astronaut." Ahhh, Mrs. Blankenship!

Pylon, hell. I say Cylons, why not?

Move to the west coast, problem solved.

I thought it was a great end. Any show where I want the next season to begin immediately, means the ending was good. I had the good fortune of watching the end of season one of Spartacus: Blood & Sand right before GoT's finale. Talk about an intense 2 hours!

What the fuck…is he an actor in the court? What I mean is Pycelle acting all senile and none too spry with the whore. She leaves and he's doing deep knee bends, primping in the mirror and then when he leaves his room, he's stooping again.

Lesson to be learned: if you're a lad of a lower class, say a butcher's son or stable boy, stay the fuck away from Arya Stark. Nothing good will come from that association.

The season ending in Portland, OR didn't make use of our extensive and well regarded public transportation system at all. Tasks on the leg were very far apart…35-40 minutes to the south west and then 35-40 minutes east for the zip line off the bridge to the island.

@bostonrob on Twitter was posting pics of the 10th anniversary AR party from Saturday night. Hardcore AR fans might enjoy them.

F CSI Miami!


Last night's episode brought up the ghost of the immunity idol, if nothing else. Paranoia will destroy ya.

I thought Ralph's counterpoint to Phil's inane mumbo-jumbo was brilliant last night! The bit about the tongue and a whole bird dropping from the sky…hilarious.

There wouldn't have been a clue in the merge feast because one of the two idols hadn't been played yet. I don't remember there ever being 3 in play at once, but I could be wrong.

Debate at the office this morning…immunity idol.
Now that one idol has been played, will it be put back in circulation? I say yes but co-worker says no, since they are now merged. My reasoning for yes is that at a certain point idols are worthless, but we aren't there for at least 4-5 more episodes.

Over/under on how much jack Fabio has left after his win?