pop culture reference

The De La Soul sample of Wonderful Christmastime on "Simply" is awesome.

How can there only be one passing mention on Barney Miller?

This link is fantastic.  I will immediately email it to everyone I know.

I think I would have remembered a Mimma


I'm not a jew and I'm not from New York, but for some reason I thought the joke was about the fact that this rabbi had his own own public access cable show. Like rabbis on those shows always talk in a monotonous voice like they are reading from cue cards. But it turns out that was this rabbi's ACTUAL speaking voice.

How can there be a thread about Canadian shows that suck without mentioning Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Hey. Billy's witty Frakes observation got lost in all of this Simpson's talk.

The Movie and the Chinese Restaurant - nowadays they would all have cell phones, they would easily find each other and no comedy would ensue.

The Movie and the Chinese Restaurant - nowadays they would all have cell phones, they would easily find each other and no comedy would ensue.

The Way Outs
Remember the Way Outs from the Flintstsones? "We're gonna go way out … WAY OUT !" That song was awesome.

The first four songs on This Is My Country are so damn good. "I'm Loving Nothing" and "Love's Happening" are my "Desperado" (Seinfeld fans will know what I'm talking about).

The Band, in particular Robbie Robertson, have also cited Curtis and the Impressions as a huge influence.

My favourite Kramer line of all time.

For some reason it is one of my favourite Kramer lines (along with "poor little Pinkus" from the Steve Genderson episode). I love the way he says "bioflavenoids".

I thought it was "bioflavenoids"
Just sayin'

Holy Shit!
Billy Bob Thornton and Tommy Lee Jones are different people? AV Club you just blew my mind!

"Sun Ra would make a nice piece, but there is so much questionable-value Sun Ra floating around out there that it's hard to cut to the chase."

Would love to see
more jazz in this column. How about one for Sun Ra?

or it could be the fact that you don't live in Canada and don't listen to CBC radio (which I always assumed was the only radio station in the world that ever played his music).