Unregistered Guy Named Eric


If you drink enough coffee, it will start to appear before you.

Everyone who considered becoming a wrestling fan after watching GLOW just changed their minds. =-(

Judy was a teenage rebel
She did it with a boy when she was young
She gave herself to books and learning
She gave herself to being number one
Judy, I don't know you if you're gonna show me everything

I'll say. No Some Kind of Wonderful??

It's more of the principle than the pen, I think.

That header photo is taken from Behind-The-Scenes.

I think Mark is the best celebrity interviewer, and maybe one of the best interviewers of all time…but at lot of that is just the reputation he's developed where guests expect to have to go deeper than normal interviews, and talk about things they usually wouldn't. There's certainly been shows where the interviewee is

I watched GLOW, which is one of the most fun shows I've seen (probably the most personally enjoyable since s1 of Orange is the New Black, actually). Anytime Alison Brie and Marc Maron are onscreen together is wonderful.

Haha yeah I studied that dumb book for like 18 months. I got my license when I was (I want to say) 20. The good news is when I finally took the test I knew it frontwards and backwards.

Would that this permit were a time permit!

By about the fifth tweet, I started to get worried about Justin. Has anyone checked to make sure he's still alive?

He wandered underground and was surprised to find it filled with the lucha he never knew he needed.

I'm a pretty hardcore lifelong wrestling fan, and I'm not sure how much this show really corresponds to anything I've seen in or think about pro wrestling… some parts do, IMO, and other parts don't at all (if anything, it wants to celebrate how very base and campy entertainment gets everyone in the gut, and the

I love her character in this show, more and more as the season goes on. Her inability to turn off her dorky-ness just seems so real (Marc Maron playing off her is great, too).

Kinja is more like The Nothing in The Neverending Story, I think.

All Disqus accounts emanate from the Black Lodge.

There's drugs in the fuckin' robot!

All kinds of monkey business.