Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I thought this season was pretty tremendous all-in-all, but to each their own.

The strangest thing in Porn Parodies (or any porn takeoffs of real properties) is when the main characters don't have sex with each other. Like, unless they're holding out for a sequel, what other payoff are they building to? Teaming up to overcome the villains??

or Charmed?

- A couple great recent episodes of the WTF with Marc Maron podcast. The one with Dana Carvey is particularly comprehensive. Carvey gets into his somewhat abusive relationship with his father, which I hadn't known about. But also he's really open about why his career kinda spiraled into nothingness after SNL and Wayne

- Also one episode from ending is Rectify. I feel like some of the following for this show has drifted away since it's classic first season, and I hope they find their way back to the fourth and final season, which has been surprisingly different from everything that came before it. In fact, it really creates a

Stuff I've Been Enjoying Recently:

You may want to schedule a lunch break somewhere in the middle.

We're gettin' us some of that culture shock.

I've been kinda avoiding thinking/talking about how important Linda McMahon's contributions were to Trump's campaign, given the struggles he seemed to have finding funding. She's been trying to buy her way into the government since 2010, and in true McMahon fashion she found her way through sheer persistence and

Shit, man. That is rough. I hope you're allright, both of you, and that you know we'll always be around for you. I don't know what to tell you except time will make things better, and hang in there.

I'm trying to put my finger on why exactly the Ghost Rider story hasn't worked for me, even though I think Gabriel Luna's acting is terrific. I think it's because they wanted him to be more of a badass, violent character than the regular heroes, and the show just couldn't find that mode. It's not really what I look to

FWIW, I think I would've made it into the Playoffs in the Draft Kings league as well (at the last second) if the Colts hadn't taken Gore out in the 3rd quarter of their blowout win over the Jets to give their 3 other insignificant RBs some carries.

3. Exit To Eden, which my parents rented and we watched as a family cause it was marketed as a light farcial comedy, and like 40% of it was. But the other 60% was a softcore porn love story about a kind of BDSM fantasy camp. It didn't go over very well in the household.

All this time, Fitz just wanted to make the LMDs conscious. HYDRA was always consciousness.

I remember when my NBC affiliate moved "Virtual Systems Analysis" to 2 am to accommodate a preview of the Olympics.

What was that TV movie we liveblogged about the woman whose daughter commits suicide because she's cyber bullied? That's a contender, I think.

- The Westworld season finale, which actually did a good job of dovetailing all the little mysteries so that they made sense together (The Maze is consciousness, Dolores is Wyatt, Ford's "new narrative" is real and it's the story of the show). I was impressed that by about 20 minutes into the ep they had taken a few

Worst movie I saw in a theater was probably Armageddon (even worse the friends I saw it with all liked it).

Seriously the way they've done season 1 and hyped the show, I assume the writers have like a five year Bible on what's gonna happen. I have no clue what it could be, but I expect they have plans.