Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I'm particularly taken aback at the organizational intelligence it takes for Bonobos to advertise on so many podcasts.

The local video place we went to when I was a kid used to have that on tape along with a few other TOS eps. I had what I guess is the unusual experience of seeing the original pilot before I saw "The Menagerie." So as an 11 year old, I considered Captain Pike part of my group of Star Trek heroes.

Happy Birthday, Stephen! Remember, you're only as old as the number of years you've been alive!

Yeah, sometimes my parents will fall asleep in front of the TV watching procedurals or sports and I'll hear a classic ep of Community coming from the other room at like 11:30 at night. It's always a little surreal.

All these movies can't be that good, can they? There has to be like a s4 of Arli$$ in there someplace.

Frankly, that sounds like a plot from Walker, Texas Ranger.

10 Biggest Disappointments on the McDonald's Drive-Thru Menu

Wha…did he hit the cross with his right foot?? Is he Chuck Norris?!? Amazing play!

(Nacho should have chip-ped it.)

I thought Long was gonna steal one for Southhampton there. I almost bit my cheek!

For overall greatness I'll pick the season 1 Deadwood episode "Here Was a Man," which after what Todd calls "a three episode prologue" the show snaps entirely into focus as clearly and beautifully as any show I can ever remember seeing.

I had no idea swearing was invented before 1968! =-O

These are some bold associations to make for Elle and Colossal. It's the Community of TV of movies! I guess I'll have to see it, then.

I just refreshed this page w/o Adblock, and I wonder now if Supper Club may be not looking so much to draw in new readers as to get food-related advertising.

*smash cut to RIGHT NOW*

Less Air Buds and more Space Friends?

*smash cut to YESTERDAY*

*smash cut to TOMORROW*

Say, we can act if we want to
If we don't, nobody will
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile
