Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Craig's debut FTW*!

David Hasselhoff would've nailed it.

Purple Rain?

That person was surfing the net while wearing their Underwood 2016 graphic tee from Target!

And we would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you pesky kids and that dumb Were-Beast!

He had a few clever answers. I liked:

Messi's going incognito to hide from tax collectors.

Is this your impersonation of Jay Lethal impersonating Ric Flair?

From the recap, seems like this was the Raw to watch of any in 2016. I have a few more G-1 shows to catch up on first, but I intend to see it this week.

C'mon now, don't lie. You've never watched Stuart Saves His Family.

Yes but every time I got halfway through, somebody punched me in the face.

Sometimes, when I have to fit a rap I've written to music, I realize I've used too many words in some of the lines. But then, when editing down the lines, I realize there was a much simpler, cleverer and more pertinent statement to be made with fewer words!

The sharing won't be any trouble. Having this conversation on the front page is a little sketchy. =-P

I'll mail you my DVD copy to borrow!

Mostly cause 3-D Printers still suck.

Also, welcome back! I hope your weekend was good.

Yes but only a bit. It's more spooky/exciting/mysterious.

Both? I mean, watch Stranger Things cause it's awesome, but also don't forget to watch Speed Racer so we can discuss it later this week!