Unregistered Guy Named Eric


I managed to miss that goal while making a sandwich.

Crazy start.

Are we still talking about Gymnastics?

I finished s4 of Orange is the New Black. The escalation in the last few episodes made it a tremendous season, and I absolutely see why Todd would rank it among the best seasons of the decade. I'm glad I was warned somewhat about the darker bits by SilentSpy, since it might have been hard to take if I wasn't warned

I really like that movie! Except for the first 90 seconds or so, which I have to shut my eyes through. But after that, it's great.

I could keep it going with The Color Purple, but in fact I nominate Wings of Desire!

Or maybe it was a mistake to cut all the scenes with the bears?

You'd rather be bow hunting.

Autumn Film Club!

Great questions!

I've never understood the status of team nicknames in England. Are they official? Do some clubs just not bother with them? Tottenham seem to officially be Tottenham Hotspurs, whereas Newcastle United are called "Magpies" but it is seemingly not part of their name. Same goes for Arsenal Gunners, Chelsea Blues, etc.

I particularly like Houston Dynamo, since the Dynamo name came out of Soviet state controlled initiatives that were tied into some dark military stuff at times.

When I played youth soccer, our leagues had a system where you got a point for each goal, up to 3. Considering how high scoring kids soccer is, that seems like a fairly chaotic system. A 3-3 draw would be as good as a 1-0 win. (I think…wait…*counts on fingers*)

I'm afraid I'll miss Trivia tonight since Saturday is our family game night now, and I won't be near a computer. I'm excited to see a new game happening, though!

I think MLS just looked at how hockey does it and copied that. They seemed really determined in the early years to use rules from other American sports as opposed to the actual rules of futbol (such as having the clock count down rather than up).

I think in soccer now, guys hit their shots so hard, especially on dead balls, trying to get a perfect spin, that they're like golf or tennis shots. They either slam home near-perfectly, or they go totally out of control.

I seem to remember at some point the number of corner kicks won/taken during a game was used as a tie-breaker, but I can't find any evidence of that right now. Maybe it was only proposed.

Intention's got nuthin' to do with it.