Unregistered Guy Named Eric

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He paid it to himself, like Bill & Ted (or like FIFA lol)

Part Deux


You can't really blame Elsa for her feelings on Iceland. She has a lot of bad childhood memories.

Cristiano Ronaldo's museum on his home island of Madeira is to move to a bigger building to accommodate the trophies he hopes to win in the future.

This is from the couple that ran The Good Wife, right? Given your rec, I should probably check it out.

It's a quantity vs. quality thing (lots of good shows vs. a few great shows) but also I think there's a feeling that we've seen TV be as great and as artistically relevant as it's going to be.

By all accounts, Nick Dinsmore was an excellent wrestler.

My favorite part of the whole Katie Vick quasi-necrophilia controversy was Jerry Lawler writing a blog defending it by comparing it to Rhett Butler saying "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" in Gone with the Wind.

So socialist the other team cooperated on the Goal!

I started a few shows, Casual, UnReal and Mr. Robot based on recommendations. I'll have more to say after I've watched more episodes, but UnReal is my favorite so far.

Brazil eliminated from the Copa America on a very controversial goal. Followed by 5 minutes of players haranguing the referees as they reviewed the decision (and still apparently got it wrong by allowing the goal). That player/official melee holding up games seems to be a regular fixture in North/Central/South

6. Toni Tone

I think he just meant he'll be losing the comments section when he quits the site.

Damn, man. Yeah I remember E Buzz as being one of the most prominent regulars when I started reading and posting at AVC, and always seemed like one of the coolest people here, both in being funny and being more chill and less antagonistic. I also remember a few times he said he was gonna quit commenting, and people

Quintuple Jonx?


Good thing his ass looks like a baby pumpkin!