Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I spent my Pop Culture Weekend trying to accidentally ruin Buffy for Stephen. I think it's my evil shadow-self that doesn't want to share great shows with other people. Sorry, Stephen.

Arli$$, but that's my own personal issue.

You're thinking of Community. ;-)

I'm especially surprised that Ron Perlman still has time to do it between all his movie projects.

Yeah that felt like watching the "Bird stole the ball!" game or some other signature moment of a great championship team that will be replayed forever as a historical moment.

"Only Donald Trump can save us from this dystopian future!"

I've always thought it was a crazy bit of synchronicity that my IRL name is Eric Lloyd.

It needs that Fink Nottle feeling.

As long as he wears a mask and never speaks, no one will know he isn't English!

Rasslin' Rasslin' Rasslin' Rasslin'

Kind of a waste of a good actor.

FWIW, Ethan Hawke said it's "a remake of The Wild Bunch disguised as a remake of The Magnificent Seven." So, yeah…

This is really making me start to regret the time I donated my appendix to get into the one annual, secret, back-alley, midnight screening of The Aristocats in 1988.

I think "The Gang Buys a Boat" is my favorite.

I watched 9 episodes of Lady Dynamite. It's a hard show to assess, though I can tell you that I like it. I guess I wish it's emotional or moral points felt as complex or even as esoteric as it's humor (I think it tries to, but it ends up in that place high concept sitcoms often do where it rejects all simple answers

A comic book is a story told through illustrations.