Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Happy Late Birthday, Matt!

Well, my days of not taking them seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

No, it was just Jax Dane vs. Rob Conway =-(

Quick topic, what's kind of a weird thing you like to waste money on?

It's a common Eyre.

Let's Not Get It Started.

5 Easy Steps To Making Lemonade, and Why It's Important To Make Your Own.

Well he did spend the decade plus before they got married writing a ton of popular songs about how he sleeps with lots of women and proudly treats them like shit (and after they got married, rapped about cheating on her while she's on tour). So….full circle, I guess?

I think we just plotted two seasons of Da Vinci's Demons.

I am compensating by watching those Explore.org animal cams. Thus far, my afternoon has gone 1. Walrus 2. Kitten 3. Polar Bear 4. Puppy 5. Panda Bear 6. Tiger.

So who gets poisoned by the end?

It's almost 2 pm and no one I've heard of has died yet. I'm not sure how to react to this unusual circumstance!

They're not. You have to select the option to make them public, though I don't remember which menu that was on. You can see the results at any time with your account, though.

Just add some variation of a "none of the above" answer, like "I don't feel qualified to answer" or "I haven't seen enough" etc.

Damn, man.

I heard you guys were big but somehow didn't catch on in America. Maybe the albums required a little too much patience?

Now if you can just get them to stop putting up signs for Great Victoria Dessert and luring unsuspecting tourists to their deaths.

The lesser known British jazz quintet Nirvana?

I watched it while eating pizza as well! I think the last few episodes of the season may have been hurt from my eating too much pizza. I like the song, but any theme song gets tiresome after too much binge watching.