Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Rock putting over Wyatt (only by words)

Awww well now I feel like I kicked a puppy (or ordered Dean Ambrose to lose 5 more PPV matches). We could all use some of your rational optimism, Alasdair!

Best matches:

Even a few weeks ago I had some hope Styles would jump Roman Reigns the night after Mania, and they could work a main event program for 2 or 3 PPVs that would be guaranteed to make Roman look as good as he could look. Now I doubt he'll ever get up to that level.

I'm not gonna lie, I think you'll become numb to the frustrating, higgledy-piggledy logic of WWE by Summerslam at the latest. It can be a short cycle of intense personal associations in wrestling, especially in such a strange period when everyone seems to be running in quicksand.

This metaphor just got TOO REAL, man!

The Walking Dead can't stop eating the rest of television's brains.

Congratulations to SG Standard on his 3rd straight CZ fantasy basketball championship!

Wow, looking at that cast I had to check the date to make sure it wasn't an April Fool's joke (and that's after I saw the photos!)

It's a mixture but the in-ring probably comes first. I do read a lot about the true-ish stories behind what happens, but it's still more about enjoying the performance. It's not much different from pro athletes and actors, down to the importance of finding the right team/role and working with the right people.

The thing that's sustained me in wrestling on and off for all these years is the journalism/criticism. Especially Dave Meltzer and the Wrestling Observer which is some of the best independent journalism I've ever read.


Pretty much completely true. The dynamics are strange. It's not just that they want him to be the biggest star, but seemingly the only real top level new star.

I just watched a 6 hour, 40 minute Wrestlemania that made the marathon New Japan shows seem brief by comparison.

They like to pick a team that already won.

Is it Shaq?

- Alfred Hitchcock

Surprise entrant in the Battle Royal:

I'm pretty sure that West Indies won their independence as a result of that match.

That's pretty incredible.