Unregistered Guy Named Eric

over five face-to-face conversations?!?

But do we have a responsibility not to use it?

I think/hope that the women will be really over with the crowd that flies in from all over the world to see Mania, because they will largely be familiar with their NXT work and want to see them succeed. So it should potentially go really well.

Last year, Wrestlemania looked weak on paper and the build-up was flat and borderline rebellious. Then the crowd was insanely hot, everything was competent but in the moment felt brilliant, and WWE was somewhat re-invigorated for a few months.

Cool! I had never heard of that.

Somewhere along the line I got a live show from France where the audio quality varied, and it really got me more into a few songs: "Judy and the Dream of Horses," "Boy With The Arab Strap," "Paper Boat," "Dirty Dream #2." IIRC it's called Milking It, it's from 1998 and it ends with a cover of "Poupee du Cire, Poupee

I would switch out Dear Catastrophe Waitress and put in The Life Pursuit, I think.

So Comedy Central used to show a lot of old HBO comedy half hour specials from around the same era, and at the end after the stand-up, they'd show a little handheld looking video of the comedian doing something backstage.

Diners Drive-Ins and Dumpsters

Yeah, it was great when I thought I'd heard all their albums and while the later ones are still good, I was sad to have exhausted all the early stuff I loved the most. Then I found Barman and Disc 1 is basically a peer of Tigermilk and Sinister (and Disc 2 is excellent as well).

It's not that I don't like the older Beach Boys songs, they all have a neat, dreamy, layered quality. It's just much stronger and more apparent in the later, Pet Sounds period.

That's a great choice. Funny-ish story: My initial copy of If You're Feeling Sinister was missing that song. While it has many other terrific songs, I just couldn't quite get into it as an album. Then I realized what I was missing, and got a complete version. Like The Dude's rug, that song really holds the record

"Good Vibrations"

I'm gonna say #2.


They have made a lot of my favorite songs, but if I have to pick one it would be "Judy and the Dream of Horses." With about half of Tigermilk in second place.

You're correct, I fixed it.

- I watched the two Don Hertzfeldt films on Netflix. I liked "World of Tomorrow" the best. Both movies had a discomfiting lack of continuity at first, but then felt came comfortably full circle by the end. That aspect and the general sense of nausea and fragmentation in "It's a Beautiful Day" just seemed really

I asked my caddy for a Sand Wedge, but after assessing the wind he told me to play the trowel instead.

The Gussie Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down Barely a Mountain.