Unregistered Guy Named Eric

She's still going, anyways. With the painkiller, she is able to eat normally and sleep a lot and hang out in my room and seems fairly comfortable. But the cancerous mass takes up a lot of her mouth and she's chewed on her tongue pretty badly.

"diarrhea, bye" >> "bye, Felicia"

1. Just brace for kids being assholes and don't get mad about it.

It's a crossover with Harry Potter??

That cat just heard about the new Indiana Jones movie.

Are you a protester or a time-traveling heckler from the 18th Century?

My cat has started sleeping with her eyes open. Apparently this isn't all that uncommon. Right now, it's been a couple hours since I gave her a shot of painkiller/sedative, and she's lying with her head turned around to face up, her eyes and mouth open. I can see her eyes moving, but she's in a deeper-than-usual

It's a little like a Felicity/Dawson's Creek style show with some light sci-fi tinges, until halfway thru the run when the network is like "Ratings are down, Let's go full sci-fi and completely change the tone mid-story!" Imagine Friday Night Lights slowly morphing into Supernatural?

I liked that one, too!

That was cool.

Warning: strictly rasslin' talk ahead

Does this signify any change in your pro-life stance?

Sorry, Gotham has the Batman-without-Batman market cornered.

He chased Kevin Owens up to the main roster.

With The Graduate is pretty amazing.

If you can't at least contact an animal clinic/vet at all, you might be able to try a people hospital, like a walk-in clinic or ER. If there's no vets in the area, they probably get animal calls sometimes.

Yeah, it's a good point, I'm not always sure what an "anti-hero" is. A villain that wins over the audience at times like Boyd Crowder for example isn't really considered an anti-hero. Whereas Walter White, who to me is a total villain can be considered an anti-hero because he's the protagonist. Plus, like you said,

Just from my personal POV, I would say No. Partly because we've already seen too many anti-heroes, and too many of the same types over and over. But also because I feel like the idea of one rebellious individual or group being celebrated for their divergence or paradoxical success against common standards actually