Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Hats off?

Stingo Justice Warrior =-P

I am working tonight, sorry.

I haven't, but it looks interesting.

I see what you did there, very nice.

I haven't seen Jeremiah Johnson yet, but I liked Redford in another Western Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (real title). It's not a classic or anything, but it's unfairly neglected IMO.

I know I wasn't asked but RUN-IN!

Best case scenario is Affleck's Batman is killed in the first 15 minutes and they've done a great job of hiding it. Seriously, I think that would get a great reception.

I reckon seeing circa-98 Shirley Manson live might've led a lot of younger men to think Garbage deserved a 10/10.

They make cheese, Avi ;-)

Steelers are in the Playoffs, Jets are LOutL. I guess Rex Ryan got his minor degree of revenge.

"Hey, guys! Guys! The Motocross Track is free! We can finally play Baseball!"

I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't yet written a game to host. But I will definitely play if you or someone else has.

I think so, but in like an hour to 90 minutes, if that works for you.

I feel like the Tortoise to your Hare, Dave.

I've always thought it was kinda fascinating that one of the world's best GoalKeepers was a Czech named Cech. It's almost like if Tom Brady's name was Tom Ammerica or something.

Not sure when this happened exactly, but season four of Person of Interest has finally come to Netflix. They say Good Things Come To Those Who Wait, and I've always figured those Good Things would be subtitles!

It was nasty, but I'm happy I finally watched Arsenal in a game they won. Feels like it's been months since that happened, and this has been a pretty good stretch for them.

Todd does a great job of laying out basically every problem that drove me away from watching the show. It's IMO not dramatized very well. It's so rarely about the stakes or danger and conflict (with the possible exception of the Moriarty episodes) and so often just into Sherlock being into himself.