Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Show Me a Hero
Mad Men
Broad City

He's in the Doc, working in the writers room and discussing his quest for purer alcohol.

It was weird cause I kept expecting it to turn into a bit and instead it was just a legit Making Of documentary.

Happy Birthday, Loki!

Community - S05 E09

and even then, you usually get a busy signal.

Tell her Hi from the CZ. Also, tell her she can't make you watch only James Bond movies the whole weekend. =-P

Dodge RAM salutes the heroes of The Hunger Games

Somewhere in the news coverage some American representative was saying they don't expect any attacks on America. So just saying amidst all this other crap, you shouldn't have to worry about your Husband and MSG.

I prefer to marathon the whole season of Braves games in one or two days. I haven't watched this season yet, no one spoil me!

Atlanta. We could even get all up on the review comments.

I'm definitely interested in playing. I don't know exactly when I'll be in tonight, but most likely anytime after like 6:30 or 7 pm should be a sure thing.

Something happened in the local paper I work at straight out of the Community episode "Environmental Science."

If you guys start it tonight, I'll be at work for a couple hours. But I'd like to play if we can sync up.

For a second I was confused, because Monkey Selfie Lawsuit is the name of my new side project indie rock band.

It's almost like they've up to no good and you could even say they've started makin trouble in our neighborhood (metaphorically speaking).

I liked being able to watch it in two days, though!

This is definitely my preferred way to watch TV. Really, I like to have a whole season set out before me. Watching week-to-week is allright if I'm conversing about the show with others, or if (like with Mad Men) the show values the power of it's episodic stories over drawing out the big picture.

Possibly: Jimmy Stewart, Jean-Pierre Leaud, Anna Karina or Jena Malone.