Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

I caught about half of it on TV like a year ago and I felt the same way. Chase in the main role shows no vulnerability and no concern for his own life or those of others around him as he outwits everyone without breaking a sweat.

Performing his hit single "If Only We Were All Alcoholics, There Wouldn't Be Any Nazis" or something like that.

So, apparently DeAngelo Williams is good now. Wish I'd known that when we were Fantasy Drafting =-P


The original Bendis series it's presumably based on is really good. If the series lives up to that like even 60%, it will become my new favorite superhero property.

Yeah, that was great.

The show mostly felt like a sharper, better delivered version of material Letterman would do. Enjoyable, but watered down from the Comedy Central stuff (as was to be expected, I guess).

He basically went back into character for the Donald Trump/Oreo segment, even acting like the crowd was applauding Trump. That was the best part of the show, too.

First episode of Late Show With Colbert > Jon Stewart costing John Cena the title at Summerslam

Just a tip?

Get them signed to the Ravens?

You know what they say: If you can't spot the zombie in the room in the first hour……better check your arm for bites!

Yahoo! kicked me out of the Draft Chat. Like "That's enough, closing time. Go get a life, son. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." I was in the middle of assessing SG's team.

How about the fear? Can you see the fear??

I'm pretty sure that's Clothed with A Reasonable Amount of Trepidation (originally called Selfie, IIRC)

Will attend, may be slightly late, due to dependency on my Fantasy Car.

How's your hand?