Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Mr. Pibb is my jam. Maybe because it's less prevalent, so I haven't had it in watered-down form nearly as much as Dr. Pepper.

I wonder what her part on True Detective would've been.

Maybe we can get the girl from Jane The Virgin to suplex Adam Rose?

I'll say Jesse James as well, since the movie is pretty abstract and the visual immersion becomes everything for like 80% of the film.

Be careful, it can be addictive. You won't be thanking me when you're passed out in an alley, drooling, muttering to yourself about how Troy's maturity arc never really came to fruition.

I think it's a tremendous review. You've got a fresh and incisive theory about the episode that applies to all of seasons 5 and 6 and you presented it very clearly. Great work! (If anything, I wish Harmon had an inner conflict as personal as the one you describe here to work out in every ep.)

Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out that Panjabi slept with Margulies's husband?

Sounds like you did it correctly, then.

We can be executed for Cards Against Humanity?

Giving this a blind/investment Upvote, since I can't read it till after I watch the ep (which might be tomorrow).

I hope they make a sequel and give it to Joseph Kahn.

One thing I'm kinda bummed about is how the awful opening for fantastic Four might adversely effect the future casting of four of the most charismatic small-movie-and-TV-show actors. It's hard to secondguess things like that these days. It could be a death blow to their momentum, or it could end up not mattering much

No record of which millionaire buys Burnley and Sheffield.

You were saved by mystical Cancer Eater Marshawn Lynch.

Like 8:30. I slept for about 4 hours, maybe 5. It's OK, though, I didn't really feel like sleeping for some reason.

So glad I got up early for this Arsenal game.

and now our Trivia watch has ended

Douchebag: "Knock knock."
Sucker: "Who's there?"
Douchebag: "The Interrupting Cow."
Sucker: "The Interrupting Cow Wh…"
Douchebag: "Mooooooo!"

Man, I'm so out of touch with soccer these days, I didn't even realize the English Premiership was starting. Fortunately, I realized in time to see an exciting Chelsea vs. Swansea game. Plus, I can still watch Arsenal tomorrow if I get up at an unnaturally early hour.