Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I couldn't believe they showed the gruesome body of that episode cut in half.

No Departures At This Time; Netflix is Buffering

“LeBron James?” Ellin asks, obviously rhetorically. “I go out to dinner with him, and he goes, ‘This is my E. This is my Drama. This is my Turtle.’”

I've always thought Barry Lyndon was an especially Narwhalian work.

This cracked me up.

We should turn this into a meme, with handwritten Kubrick notes criticizing all works of art. Like scribbled in the margins of Ulysses: "Clean this up. It's practically gibberish." Written over the corners of Picasso paintings: "Figures lack definition, hard to see. Bordering on grotesque." Speaking over the chorus of

This finale was streets ahead.

That's a GO on the first part. I wouldn't even worry about the watching-out-of-order factor, jumping right into the finale shouldn't present any problems. It'd be worse if you'd missed the first two seasons ;-)

Due to what I can only consider a convergence of mystical forces, I was able to watch the finale on Yahoo! Screen with very few problems. Basically the season premiere and this one are the only two to work for me, but I'm grateful that I didn't have to wait this time!

I guess I'm just not ready for it to end.

This would probably be one of the best series finales ever, so that pretty much guarantees at least one more season.

Now that I've read Alias, I'm pretty glad Tennant is playing Purple Man and not Matt Smith. That would really have destroyed my childhood earnest early thirties-hood.

Jeff's extreme lax attitude towards teaching makes me think they could have done a rewarding arc about the process that led him to care about actually being a good teacher.

Sounds like wight people problems to me.

- Started trying to fall asleep 5 hours ago
- Have to get up for work in 4 hours
- Have achieved aprox. 15 minutes of total sleep
- Not sure exactly how/when I got into this chair

Sandler, you beautiful bastard! You did it! You brought Rabin back!

I'm in the chat, too. We can probably find a way to watch, just depending on what video will work for you.

Can I interest you in a time share of Y?

Early Mornin' Thread Hijack: I read Bendis's Alias. That was easily one of the best comic books I've ever read, so thanks for that rec. I will probably follow up with The Pulse, but also move onto the other 4 things you mentioned.

Great work, Orr. Very expressive, specific and clear. I really felt your identification with the album without you having to get autobiographical. It was just inherent in how you talked about the songs. Definitely worth the months you spent on it! I doubt it could have been so good if you hadn't taken so much time