Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I asked [Howard Bingham, Ali’s photographer and friend], ‘What’s going on with him, man?’ He said when he pulls out of the Parkinson’s, he exercises. I come running up the stairs and I see his head bouncing up and down, then you see his shoulders, and his hands. The sun’s kind of behind him. It was like a dream.

The city itself is just one big concrete box. There’s no real style. It looks like most of it was built in the '60s and '70s. But the streets were extraordinarily wide throughout all downtown. There were perfect 90-degree intersections and highways going through the center of downtown, except there were no cars

In 1995, some American and Japanese pro wrestlers (including Ric Flair and Antonio Inoki) and Muhammad Ali went to North Korea to perform at a "Peace Festival."

I'm trying to arrange plans to see it with my friend tomorrow.

UPDATE: I attempted the dance and have become temporarily paralysed in an upright position. However, I can confirm that I feel skinnier.

Yeah, it is the show that I have the most excitement/good feelings about right now.

The music makes me feel like I'm climbing a mountain in a Final Fantasy game.

Definitely one of my favorites of s6 so far. Though now that I think about it, they should've had a scene where footage from earlier seasons was recycled in without making any mention of it. Other than that, though, I agree with your A-.

I think she's been able to vary it up and do some more intense versions in Safety Not Guaranteed and Ned Rifle.

Sounds like that would make for terrible basketball games, but great brainstorming for shows to pitch to cable networks and online platforms.

I heard she left the franchise to star in the new 21 Jumpstreet.

Racism. What's That All About?

I don't want to speak for anyone. But I did inquire after Lloyd via email. He told me his account had gotten hacked/hijacked. He's on a trip right now IRL, but he should be back to these boards sometime fairly soon.


I'm probably enjoying it more due to lack of sleep.

Well, now last week's Harmon interview about Jeff being trapped at Greendale makes more sense!

They put their best paw forward.

Our next album should be called The Internet Thinks We're Hitler.