Jim Croce

Their Batman and Robin run got me back into reading comics after a few years of not touching a single one. Just great stuff.

Dropping Batman & Robin, huh? I'm loving that one right now. There were a few weeks where I thought it was as good as Snyder's Batman.

I'm a huge Titanic nerd and really enjoyed this. I'm hoping it will be an extra on the Titanic blu ray that is rumored to be coming out this fall.

Just incredible
This gets an easy A from me. It really is incredible. I thought maybe I'd get tired of some of the songs, but I just keep liking them more and more as time goes on. I'll be buying the vinyl release when it finally comes out (next month, according to Amazon) for sure.

third? somewhere in there?

Not as good as OB4CL2 or Fishscale or More Fish, but still pretty damn tight …
I've been listening to this all week and it's a lot of fun. I'm glad so much great Wu music has been coming out recently. After all the shit talking surrounding 8 Diagrams (which I actually really liked), I wasn't so sure …

If Peter wasn't so special, it is possible the Observer would have not been at the lab in the first place —- and if he hadn't been at the lab, he would have never distracted Walter and caused that entire chain of events.

But there's no reason to think he wouldn't have just kept on making great music. "Yeah, I know I wasn't even alive at the same time as Hendrix, but I'm just going to assume he had nothing left."

I know I'm late, so nobody will probably even read this, but I was thinking Walter actually started saying random nonsense —- and then realized it and pretended like he was referencing music. He didn't want to admit what he said didn't make any sense.

I agree 100% with Unmotivated and Corey about Philip Roth. "Plot Against America" and "Human Stain" were outstanding. Really enjoyed "Everyman" as well, though I wouldn't claim it belonged on this list.