
What was horrible about Yara? The language barrier made it hard for me to get a good grasp on her personality, but she seemed nice. And she looked great.

You must be right, because that's the only explanation that makes sense. Darienne has hung on solely because she is the closest thing to a villain this season has (bet the lack of bitchiness really has the producers kicking themselves over their casting decisions). Hopefully, the producers will realize we don't need

Where have you been!? I was so worried!

Does this mean it's okay to use an air mattress to go whitewater rafting? Because that's always been a dream of mine that only prudence has held me back from. Hope my family has no reason to sue… (last words).

Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense: it's "she" because I'm talking about "Ivy Winters" the drag queen, and it would be "he" if I was referring to the male behind Ivy Winters (too lazy to Google).

I feel the same way about wanting to like Coco, even though I dislike rudeness/bitchiness. I think it's because there are lots of moments when she is kind and concerned about the other queens (like the low-key way she was asking Monica Beverly Hillz if she was alright, in the episode of Monica's big trans-gender

I think most of them are cis-male— even though they dress as women professionally, they live as men in their private life. I think Monica Beverly Hillz was the only one that was trans this season. It would probably be pretty hard finding a straight guy that was really into drag AND good at it AND willing to be very

The title is about congeniality and Ivy was the most congenial. It may not make for great television (scratch that— definitely doesn't make for great television) but I'm glad she got recognized for being a good person.

CAUTIONARY NOTE for real bulimics who may be misled- you probably already know this, but bread isn't especially great to throw up. Ice cream is much smoother, and may help soothe an already irritated throat. Also sloppy bread is good, cause it tastes like soup and is soft.

and the world is a brighter place because of it

Yeah, for me it was also the unemployed and living-with-her-mom thing. Also, she says she's going to go back to school and will support these kids with student loans [source undocumented]. Why have 8 kids right before going back to school? I wouldn't even get a puppy then. And assuming she gets enough in finaid to

Nicely done, EvilKareebel. I can't come up with one of my own, but wanted to make sure your contribution was appreciated.

Also creepy are those waist-high dolls that are supposed to look like little kids playing hide-and-seek. When you turn them around they have no faces.

I like how everyone is running their stuffed animal ownership, complete with disclaimers and excuses, by Phel for approval.

Interesting. Flesh it out a little bit more and I'll offer detailed feedback (no charge unless the concept is picked up by a studio!).

Thats a good point. I wonder if they just tape these things on the fly or if they get a homeless person to agree to be bitten by a whatever when their taping schedule allows for it. And how much said homeless person is paid. Perhaps they receive a home. Or perhaps their dead, envenomed body gets tossed. Somebody