Twilight Sparkle

Say what now?

Hey uh Two and a Half Men lurched into this year too.

I confess I tuned out after a few episodes. That beginning was a mess and I watch so much tv that I tend to trim my schedule quite often.

I thought the earlier seasons were really well-designed even if the show was pretty loopy, but season 3 just fell down its own ass.

Hannibal? Really? I don't understand you people. I at least found seasons 1 and 2 watchable.

I can only dream of the day I get a shoutout like Whovian.

Honestly if I'd known that when it started, I would have tuned in. I thought it was just another late-night talk show and now it's aired enough episodes that watching it is a commitment now.

They can be if they want to be, but decreeing gendered terms for anything seems dumb.

Not that I know of.

What Are You Doing With Your Life, Internet?

Someone's probably going to tell you to watch the episode where Baker appears again.

Realistically, after reading through the comments on the best-of-TV articles, I'm willing to say about 20% of TV was good this year.

*John Boehner glows slightly more orange, glares*

Ah, I checked the finale totals:

I knew one of them broke 100K comments, but they're kind of a lost world unto their own now.

The free market apparently didn't want his games.


Sir, you're an excellent gimmick, and while you may not displace Reposted a7x Fan from his place in my heart, you've won his place in my nose.

Much like Raymond Luxury-Yacht, it is.

I like the concept, but I lost the login to the other half of this linked account and I'm too tired of Disqus to figure that out again.