
Well I'm all for Danny Pudi being with us for Community but as an actor/writer, it's a shame his pilot didn't get picked up.

Also I searched for that song when Jeff drops off Abed and Annie at the airport and it's Ends of the Earth by Lord Huron, it's a beautiful song and it's been on repeat for awhile now in my household https://www.youtube.com/wat…

As a big fan of Keith David (who also was excellent on Big Time in Hollywood, FL which I binged on this weekend) it was a shame to see Elroy leave so quickly :(

Stop trying to make Streets Ahead happen.

I just remembered we had two RV episodes and one was clearly superior..and finger licking good.

Damn :(

I wanted Abed and Annie to be together but I think I'm a minority.

That was my favorite NBC Comedy night. Thursdays were so good back then.

So meta.

All I remember is an episode where the son played by Ryan Pinkston joined the cheer squad and was worried about getting an erection on top of the pyramid…quality stuff.

All hail Queen Glaser!

I fucking love “Fairway, My Lovely”. Each time someone reminisces about Guy’s sexuality, a perplexed Richter flashes back to him running on the golf course in slow motion, an image that becomes funnier with each repetition. That's the best part.

I came to post this exactly.

Fred Stoller. I knew I recognized that voice.

I'm only here to comment my excitement for Rick and Morty Season 2.

While Hawk and Chick brought the heartwarming nature of Bob's Burgers, The Oeder Games ended the season on a hilarious fun note. I love this show, it's a great heartwarming light hearted family comedy. I'm glad the Belchers are here to stay!

Danny Pudi is a sensational actor. I really liked this episode, seemed like classic Community. Also Matt Besser was a wonderful edition to that end tag.


This episode didn't really work for me but I loved the vaudeville version of the show theme. LOVED IT.

Renew Seasonman!