Abbies Dad

What I don't get is if the movie was filmed in the LA area, and the director is from California, wouldn't they already know about K vs. W?

Someone slipped Rabin's pills into Todd's jelly beans.

He also went to a cameo as the next-door neighbor in Tom Arnold's magnum opus, The Stupids.

At least she didn't say the Brewers.

"Sy Abelman?!"

And John Huston, and George Raft, and Deborah Kerr, and Peter O'Toole, and Ursula Andress, and William Holden, and Charles Boyer, and Jacqueline Bisset, and….

So as not to confuse him with his evil twin, John S. MacArthur.

I once read that Cocteau's version inspired similar reactions. Supposedly, after the transformation, audience member Marlene Dietrich (or Greta Garbo, depending on the source) cried, "What happened to my beautiful Beast?!"

Her bumbles are bouncin'!

What I want to know is, how the fuck did none of them know Mount Vernon?!

Loved him as Addison DeWitt!

He's a better Grand Maester.

I remember in the old days when they actually did that for the Best Score nominees, too.

I know what you meant in your first sentence, but now I have the amusing picture in my head of people getting in a tizzy that Archie is unfamiliar with the work of beloved character actor Dylan Baker.

And he didn't sign the Constitution. (My DVR dropped last night's episode, so my apologizes if Trebek already pointed that out in his Trebekian manner.)

I think Henry Street is named for McHenry, but I don't know why the "Mc" was left off. That rascally James Doty!

"imminently quotable"

I once went on a kick where I tried to watch as many Best Picture nominees as I could (I'd already seen the winners), and I went at them chronologically. It's weird how many Herbert Marshall was in for a while, considering how little remembered he is today.

Fun fact about Grand Hotel: Not only did it win Best Picture, that was the only nomination it received, somehow.