Abbies Dad


South Africa in Latin is Africa Australis, so s'all good, man.

I just don't see how that's possible (at least up to the visit last night) given Adam/Ben's meltdown at the mall when he saw Doug.

I recently saw a rerun in which Alton holds up a Ritz cracker flat side out and says, "I can't tell you what kind of cracker to use here, but I think you can figure it out."

"If she says your behavior is heinous,
Kick her right in the Coriolanus…."

When Shakepeare's Ladies Meet…and Get Spanked


I thought it was funny that, despite the sound of applause, no one in the debate audience seemed to actually be clapping in the establishing shot.

I miss the playlands with the cop burger (Big Mac?) you could climb up inside and crawl around in. I haven't seen one of those in years.

Little Brother in The Kingdom.

"…with Tony Perkins as Tony Randall."

Mayor: Is this true?

"He's not going to say fuckstick in front of the children, is he?!"

"Three's Company, A Judd Apatow Film"

If I ever found a city, I'll name it Otisburg.

But Adam/Ben's right there and probably of age!


Any frame from Doctor Dolittle pisses all over these movies.

I didn't catch that Hank was putting in a campaign sign for the incumbent governor. I assumed it was a for-sale sign.