Red Gorilla

That free speech mistake is pretty common, especially among conservatives.

Wait.. is Tom Hanks a robot or a reptile? Maybe a robot lizard?

The guy is a racist antisemitic fundamentalist asshole who beats his wife. You would expect that to make him MORE popular in some circles.

Hey JimmyStagger, there used to be. There's still a few in the suburbs.

Haha - awesome.
"…and how fucking bullshit it is that they have to take out their septum rings when they're working the register"


That chick is cuter in that cut Star Wars scene than Carrie Fisher is in any of them..

Butchie is asking a good question here - what happens to your paycheck if you get cut from a movie?

'Cause they're so darn stupid!

Santos is right - any girl that makes those kinds of decisions is a train wreck waiting to happen. Be grateful it happened when you are young and there are lots of (much less less fucked) up girls still on the market..

Maybe this is an ok movie but I object to it using that title. Cool song with great lyrics, shouldn't be wasted on a movie about boring suburbanites talking too much..

.."film serves as a startlingly shrill attack on Christianity, positioned here largely as a breeding ground for hypocritical sadists who stand in direct opposition to reason and science."

The Day After
Jason Heller - right on, I'm with you 100%. I saw that movie around the same time and was reasonably convinced the nukes were coming at some point in my life.

Kinopio has a good point. You have to reserve that word for very special occasions. That has to be the nuke.

Don't worry. That's just the unregistered guy who tells everyone to stop posting. He's an ass.

One thing about these that hits a nerve - what exactly is Mel's point in having these phone calls?

Coldstream, first of all jackass those comments where in 1984. I wasn't that politically aware when I was 11. Not that many people on this site are old enough to remember political opinions from TWENTY SIX YEARS AGO.

Session 9 rocked.

Ok, first of all that interpretation of the story of the Passion has been rejected by the Catholic Church and almost all other mainline protestant religions as being antisemitic.

Uh-oh! I think Bob Johnson has daddy issues!