dave c

Herucles in NY is classic. I actually became moderate friends with the guy who plays Maxie, the gangster. He currently does work as the official Mr Monopoly. I can't even tell you his name. It's too good. It's really the universe creating art.

The first love scene, its clear he's making love to her stomach.

Caveman lawyer is spot on. But to re-iterate. I love bad flicks. Riding the Bus with My Sister is classic, Cool as Ice, Hercules in NY, Salsa, Troll 2 are all great. But this one is the best. What elevates it is the sheer sincerity of the movie, and the open ended question of "who is Tommy Wuseau?" Its fantastic.

With total sincerity, see it. It's awful, but in such a scale that its truly an achievement. It starts like a bad cinemax flick, but it evolves into this fascinating insight into Tommy Weseau. He wrote, funded, directed, and starred in this film, and everything in it is singularly a reflection on how he views the

The Q&A extras feature is astonishing.

I own this film. See it. It cannot let you down. It's astounding. See it with like minded people. Watch the extras. Its astounding.

You're probably right. It's worth looking into though.

Is Private Valentine "Bad Movie" bad?
I'm in the habit of watching epically bad movies with some friends. The 'only released in Russia' trivia is promising. Is it bad in the same way Hottie and the Nottie is bad, or is it EPIC bad like "Riding the Bus with My Sister," "Hercules in New York," or the truly spectacular

I'm a big fan of land.

There are worse concepts
A journey through brightly colored fantasy land based on candy… That's not bad for a kids flick. Worked for Willy Wonka.

Yeah, I agree there was a lot less peeing and pooing, but I'm worried that's a sign the athletes are getting jaded. Puppies these days have a real sense of entitlement.

It's refreshing to hear some one talk about the game for once. It seems most people are more interested in the half time show and the spectacle of it all than the actual match up.