
What. The. Fuck.
This article is pure idiocy. Lose Yourself? Since U Been Gone? These songs may have been popular in your universe, but they weren't in mine.

Sarah Palin cannot be defeated
Except by the governorship… and the vice presidency… and the cross-country bus tour… and the English language… and readin' a newspaper… and parenting… and Down's Syndrome… and turkey neck… and… and…

certain Queen songs written by Roger Taylor
(as much as I love the guy)

Blood has been spilled this night.

My picks
Gotta disagree about Little Big Man, judging by that clip. 'Detailed' doesn't necessarily mean 'good'. There's no little movements in the face, so it just looks like Hoffman wearing an elaborate Halloween mask.

Faith Of My Father?
Dushku is only good as the tough chick foil to bubbly blondes like Sarah Michelle Gellar or Kirsten Dunst. All other attempts at acting are laughably bad. She is a supporting actress. If Joss Whedon didn't have such a stonking nerd horn for her, Dollhouse might have been a better show.

So it's basically
Hot Fuzz meets Frasier. Hot Frasier.

Poor Caprophiles
Can't say I'm surprised though. This show was a failure on pretty much every level. Characters were uniformly unappealing and, in playing them, usually likeable actors became shrill and annoying. Then there's Eric Stoltz, who has never really connected with any audience. As for the teenagers. I don't