John Darc

If it helps, they retconned it in the first movie and I hear they're doing something to its corpse in the currently airing season I haven't seen.  So Seymour is alright.

That Pulling pilot failed? So what did Kristen Schaal move to LA for, then?

But they gave him an entire episode to explain what happened with him and to give his arc some closure.

I mean, considering they also left him out of Leslie's wedding and whatnot, you've got to assume that as much posturing as Mike Schur did when Schneider left, he was kinda pissed that he just sorta bailed. Notice how even though Schneider's film career never really took off like he thought it would, they've never

Isn't this a fan theory that got somebody fired?

Riker Don't Care.

Especially since we found out Patrick Stewart was in the running to play Pierce before Sony demanded Chevy Chase be cast.

You know, people give them shit for that but everyone seems to have LOVED Frogurt.

He's gotta play something lame, like a triangle.

Hell, they SHOULD bring back Paul Schneider. His movie "career" never really took off and Brendanowicz should have popped back onto the show ages ago. He didn't even bother to show up to Leslie's wedding.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Joe NotARapist?

Were they ever consistent on whether or not the Simpson children's hair was hard or not? Here it's clearly hard enough to pierce a ball, but when Lisa gets gum in her hair it's just hair that can be cut and styled.

@avclub-ca4fc44a59d0201cc7d4f760153cb00c:disqus Shh, Lisa. The dog is barking.

I dunno, the joke was more of a parody of Joe Millionaire. I liked the part where the women demanded a boat be chartered to take them off the island, and the host says "You can walk!"

Because occasionally it's exciting? Hell, I skipped through most of the heel R-Truth arc in 2011 to get to the Summer of Punk.

Netflix already has wrestling on Instant. It's usually those countdown videos and the Best of Year collection, which is great when you want to skip through most of the garbage.

Poor Zach Knighton. He's been left out of the article.

The horrible screaming is undercut by the dustpan and broom sweeping up his ashes.


Coach was kinda shitty, though I have to let it slide cause of it being a pilot.