John Darc

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus It was a decent pilot, but that weird Season 1 episode shuffling was confusing.

Honestly, there were points during this season where I felt we had gotten to that point. The episode where they trick Max into thinking he won the lottery, for one.

Wasn't there a big hullabaloo about this sort of thing a few years ago when She and Him were a new thing, debuting at some show, and people were forced to watch them through a doorway?

Dexter has taken the opportunity to be terrible plenty of times.  What are you talking about?

Their RAM looks was the glittery blazers.  You done goofed.

A Aron, go down to O Shack Hennesey's office right now!

The DCAU is one of the best shows that was handcuffed by corporate nonsense and censors.

Something something Jenny Lewis?

Not very good at emulating Breaking Bad, if he got caught.


Anyone else think they're sure getting a lot of old faces for a movie and not a new season?

The Death of Roman Superman-ski.

I remember feeling really bad about Tobias until he basically started ignoring DeBrie to the point where she got hooked on drugs again and had her life ruined. Then I felt terrible for her and kinda hated Tobias, innocent sex offender or not.

"What's New, Pussycat?" but several times in a row.

"You wasted life why wouldn't you waste the afterlife?"

I'm closing the loop! Jenny Lewis! Jerry Lewis!

Why did you make me google that when you could have just said Ventriloquist Dummy?

I like Annie Clark the idea/the person moreso than I enjoy any of St. Vincent's music.

Makes sense Joss would be a fan. IIRC, Rilo Kiley was what the ecoterrorists were listening to on Dollhouse when we first found out who Caroline was supposed to be and why we were supposed to care.

A what now?