John Darc

Ehh, Krysten Ritter only kinda does it for me. Also, her more musically inclined doppleganger, Kate Micucci.

Hearing that these comedians I sorta like go on these podcasts and have "characters" just sounds like…the worst thing. Do they do funny voices? Are they wearing costumes?


I doubled down: when I got to Junior High I basically subconsciously decided to coast for the rest of my life. I don't think I ever worked hard at anything ever again. Big fish, even larger pond.

The few more modern episodes I've seen have involved way too much Mr. Largo. I figured he was a decent alternative when they fired the chick who played Ms. Hoover.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I've had dreams where I've been turned down for sex.

Yes, far too much Chris Diamantopolous on my screen.

Could anyone not tell it was Maeby under the makeup? I was upset because it wasn't a surprise and I was just waiting to see when they'd explain what Maeby had been up to that she could show up randomly in other peoples' episodes (like when she ran by GOB backstage at the Love rally)

@avclub-a17bf70c7cfc521094e5cf8bc02bc04a:disqus I like to think it led to the Buster Babytock dance in the security office.

The gag where he constantly didn't acknowledge Michael when they saw each other in the street wore thin fast.

This reminded me of that Star Wars Family Guy where Darth Vader is trying to sell his apartment in Downtown LA and they go into this long bit about Los Angeles that no one but rich Angelenos in the biz would get.

Why don't we just go online?!

It's an outdated joke (Asians can't say R) wrapped in another soon to be outdated joke (The Real Housewives)

The bit about Indians not caring that they ran over a pedestrian was kinda weird

Brian Grazer is an ugly, ugly man.

It became the weirdly similar Conan joke of "This nice guy in Hollywood is actually a huge piece of shit". And yes, it became way too esoterically Los Angeles. And I GOT all the jokes.

Agreed. The show took a hard turn into the hollywood insider stuff, like I was watching Larry Sanders or something.

The terribly green screened boat?

Who wants to go into that musty old claptrap?

Did they settle on Tobias not being gay this season? I think they could have gone either way with it.