John Darc

Conan almost always plays himself as a jerk. He did it on 30 Rock, Simpsons, Futurama, and on Arrested Development. It's actually kind of an old and played out schtick by now.

Oh yeah, with the super 3d surveillance camera and the silly twist ending.

You rang?

Was that when Barbara Walters hosted and she couldn't pronounce Ana Gasteyer?

What about Jack Osbourne on I want to say Dawson's Creek? I only know about it cause I watched a lot of The Osbournes and I remember they showed a scene of Jack popping out of the backseat of someone's car to shout bleeped profanities.

You're thinking of when Steve used his machine not to make himself into the super cool Stephon Urquelle, but into an embodiment of Bruce Lee via "Bruce Juice". The machine had other functions, like making the subject as smart as Albert Einstein (provided the hair samples don't get mixed up with Elvis')

And to a lesser extent Zeppo.

Wendell sort of became an annoying nuisance near the end of that show.

Is there a way we can get Frisky Dingo up in this poll?

Wait, they made Bigby Wolf an Islamic terrorist?

Well they felt that naming it something other than The Hand Job would allow them to market it and do just that.

What an unfortunate thumbnail.

Hasn't this thing already been jailbroken and hacked to shit? There just won't be any "official" Glass porn apps, which just makes the eventual porn apps even hotter.

Now that Harmon seems to have found the love of his life, maybe he can take a crack at writing Abed in a relationship with that chick from the coat check.  He did always see himself as Abed anyway (first he thought he was Jeff)

He needs to not have his first watch of the episode recorded. That's no way to do a commentary that you will be selling, nor the way to watch a TV show.

So is Jaden Smith at the Chet Haze level yet of father-son talent diffusion?

Wonderfalls is probably the lesser of the Bryan Fuller quirk shows (the others are Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me, the second of which he barely had anything to do with after the pilot), which is a shame. It never grabbed me as the other shows did, and it was the only one that was allowed to have a proper ending


No Heroics had people like that. Damn shame the American remake fell through and there are no plans for a 2nd UK Series.

So what you're saying is that the pubs in this town aren't build like pubs, meaning they might be a little more fortified, harder to get into, and a perfect place to hide from killer robots?