John Darc

Aww, MCA.  Now I'm sad.

Season 3 was alright, but it got really good near the end when they realized they didn't have much time left.  Maybe similar constraints on the film will help it as well?

Agreed. Yeah ,the new episodes seem a bit zeitgeist-y and trying too hard (Susan the Boil, EyePhone, etc.) But we've got some really good episodes out of it as well (the one with Bender's creator, the one you mentioned, I actually like Prisoner of Benda/body switching episode)
People forget that the world is a

Really hoping Teen Titans Go is like one of those newer Batman cartoons that looked bad but was actually kinda good (Brave and the Bold) and not one of the Batman cartoons that looked bad and was terrible (The Batman)

The smart way to do it would be to have the real culprit move away or have died in the 20 years since the incident.

I was not aware this was going to be a continuing series. I figured it was a one and done type miniseries, especially for being on the Sundance Channel.

Who knows how long Rectify would have lasted, though.

I had to google who the hell Claus von Bulow was.

I just realized today they won an Emmy during their original run and an Emmy during the revival. They still got it after all these years.

That makes more sense.  So it was just Bud and Stolichnaya that had issues with it, but everyone is equally offended.  They can't say booze doesn't make you drunk, or that booze and driving a vehicle isn't a bad idea.

That's what confuses me. How does Budweiser not have a case here?

"Archie is not fucking Mr. Weatherbee!"

Wait, movies are allowed to imply that drinking a particular brand of booze will cause people to get hurt and it's legally allowed?

Pushing Daisies news update my ASS!

Agreed. The penis thing is not enough (no pun intended).

I follow Donal on Twitter and I remember being really confused when I started seeing him tweet from the road while he was trucking.  I thought it was a side gig, not something he did cause he hated acting.

Just proves how silly the notification system is.

The DJ posted on Youtube that he wasn't sure it was real until the label called him demanding to know how he got his hands on the track.

He's really only good for producing music, and terrible for singing/rapping on tracks. And somehow even worse when he's doing his solo stuff.

Jerry's retiring?!  NOoooooooooooOoooooooooooo