John Darc

We can sue a guy for not wanting to be in your shitty movie?

Wasn't she already a bit old to be playing a college freshman/18 year old in the first one? I think it's her small features that allow her to get away with playing roles much younger than she is.

For some sort of shady cloning program, they sure did just make a bunch of them and then spread them out into the world.

It was a miserable experiment when NBC started showing Psych on NBC and CBS started showing heavily edited Dexter episodes.

Also a great way to write out their cell phones.

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus Weren't they gym mats? That made it even greater.

All the talk of accents has gotten me confused, hot, and bothered.

Wikipedia says they broke up and got back together a bunch of times. I bet the Prof got to see them one last time.

I think it just made him think about innocent little girls who die in acts of war.  I HIGHLY doubt the Martian was swayed by the words of Simon Le Bon.

You could take his line about being threatened to mean that Skaldak knew who the Doctor was, he just didn't give a shit.

When I think of the Xena musical episode, I'm actually thinking of the *other* musical episode, "Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire".  There's a rousing rendition of Naked Eyes' "Always Something There to Remind Me"

She probably got more publicity from this story than from any movie she's ever acted in. Not that this is going to get her more roles, of course.

Where the hell is Mark? Wouldn't he have showed up to the wedding?

Leslie does win a lot, though. The show is ultimately about the triumph of good hearts and hard work over bureaucracy and evil, but it's not supposed to be like that in real life.

As @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus   said, just that bit where she's trying to get the straw into her mouth while drunk.

@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus I wish the show and its fans would stop pretending that was a good enough consolation prize for everyone dumping on him.

With Aubrey Plaza's hands I play a little game I like to call "cut or wart?"

Jane Lynch finally got out, eh?

@Scrawler2:disqus But Britta has been an anarchist, or at least has friends from her anarchists days to go drinking with

Troy's confession was that he started a massive fire in Greendale the town, not the school. He wasn't attending the school in 2003.