John Darc

Hot damn, I woulda watched a Ten/Amy season where the Doctor is marching to his inevitable death, sure.

@avclub-2a5866203b479586ecc9183837a2d3e0:disqus "Cause you know what? You were my Doctor"

@avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus He's alright, I guess. It's been a staple of the Moffat show so far to have this small stable of recurring characters (Strax, lizard lady, lezzy lady, etc.) but it's a problem if you don't particularly like them.  I'm still pissed that the Doctor's big "call in all my

Well now we know what bro names are outside of the States.

Power of Three was one hour long cube pun/joke. It was pretty mediocre, if I remember it correctly.

That Matt Smith monologue scene had me wondering if this was his sendoff/regeneration scene and there had been some trade news I had missed out on.

Anyone see the actual tag of this episode, where Abed and Troy hang out with Sophie B Hawkins? It's on Hulu.

Is she talking about Leonard or whatever it is the Dean did during his freakout?

"Many thanks to Todd for letting me step in this week and cover a show that has, during the last few years, caused me to run the gamut of emotions ranging from laughing so hard during“Epidemiology” that I had an asthma attack and having such a surprising gut reaction to“Virtual Systems Analysis” that I once cried

"You should have been an outlaw like me and your daddy. You’d still be able to shoot people and be an asshole: your two favorite activites. Except you’d be a rich asshole."

Do you have a boner, dude?

In the original Nightman episode, his lyrics were all drawings.  He couldn't read the dance contest sheet and bet the bar, his illiteracy screwing the gang over once again.

One of my favorite lines is when the play basically falls apart and the troll is revealed to be named Antonio.

Oh definitely. That sounded like he knew him like that one guy who shot himself knew the Detroit Mafia.

So did we ever figure out who Augustine's mole in the state office was?

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus He pulled. It was justified.

@avclub-3e89778b9ef82189a336a84b1546c976:disqus This show makes me never want to visit the South, especially Kentucky.

How did Peter Stormare not realize she was holding a gun behind her back? He kept looking at her hands!

@avclub-adad33d3da210f8c6efe515ace3e7089:disqus Well the body count for Augustine's thugs did rise really quickly.  It's odd that Nicky made sure to note that Raylan took out three of his dudes when he didn't seem to care about Mort.

Sammy knows that things in Kentucky work a bit differently so he gets to live. Quarles was insane.  Nicky was just an asshole who thought he ran the joint and that he could strongarm anyone he wanted to do his bidding.  Basically two carpetbaggers who were too big for their britches and ended up getting killed for