John Darc

If they can do one with Picard and The Doctor wearing t shirts, you can do it.

She's willing to throw her power around when she was on the outside as Queen to the oxy kingdom.  She beat up hookers after taking over as the Madame.

Judge Ito is pretty lax.

She (no pun) dug her own grave by…well, killing DelRoy in the first place, going all Lady MacBeth with Ellen May all season, sending Jimmy off to handle the body by herself.

When did they decide Harris Wittels was perfect for the role of town creep?

I like Winona too.  I actually kinda think Ava sucks and was waiting for the other shoe to drop this entire season regarding her either being sent to jail or the grave.

Kevin Smith's story is probably the only good Prince related thing. That and the Chappelle skit.

The internet.  All of it.

Full penetration with Dolph Lundgren.

People should just treat Prince like a second class citizen.  Don't let him rent houses or jetskis.

She probably pays him since that's his song…so he doesn't mind as long as he gets paid, I guess?  Not sure how he thinks cover songs work.

I thought 6 seconds was exactly the limit of how much of a song you could play via fair use before you had to start paying?

Deadwood is a show I absolutely need to go watch, considering the cast.

Yeah, weirdly enough Vulture just recently posted an article from a former Full House writer.  The scripts were very rigid and had to have that aww moment at the end of every single script.  I also read some interview with Chuck Tatham who now writes for HIMYM and he was saying something about Full House too.

Oh right!  The cancer!  How did we all forget about that?  (Fans and the writers)

Imagine if this is how Nathan finds out he's slowly going deaf?

Yes, I noticed that and my head almost exploded with the irony of what Nathan was saying about how TV is indelible.

I'd skip to her 16 if @NaturalBlues:disqus  has it right.

People who have seen the movie are saying the new movie still has incredible small amounts of Chatum.

For a guy who is from there, why are all of Ben Affleck's movies filled with people doing thick Boston accents? I know people from Boston.  They don't sound like that all the time.