John Darc

Speaking of Cece, it's like the writers realize how useless she is and didn't even bother to have her in the last episode.

@avclub-2b7cfd7706986f9e0f3e067df9705ba9:disqus He was recently talking about how he had never seen Lost.  I find it hard to believe, ESPECIALLY a zeitgeist-y show like that, especially when it's not like his love of a lesser known hour long mystery/drama was unknown.

Weirdly, a movie came out that decided it didn't need more Channing Tatum in it. What restraint.

Is it a crossover with Man With the Iron Fists? Where does Django fit in?

I don't think Channing Tatum's star was ever higher than it was last year around this time, with 21 Jump Street/The Vow/Magic Mike. I read the same reports you did about how they had to add more Tatum because his scenes with The Rock were supposed to be the best part of the movie before he died.  With all the money

I like the way you think.

Nah, that's what I meant.  Winston and Schmidt have known Nick for over a decade and could easily get off work to go to a funeral.  Jess is just Jess, so she probably could be emotional and get off of work to go meet a guy she barely knew but was important to her friend.

In that they both aren't funny?

What lives are they leading that they can just leave for a funeral of a man some of them barely know? Well, not the three guys.  Just Jess.

When Todd mentioned needing to find a pre-Buffy musical episode, Xena was the first one I thought of. Fucking travesty that he picked 7th Heaven instead.

Were Augustine and Colt in the same room at all this episode? It'd be pretty messed up if Colt was just like "Hey, I shot your guy."

I'm surprised they didn't just put him in the slurry originally. When you have this thing you put evidence into and it just disappears forever, you use it.

"How bout them 'ginas, eh?"

@avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus Just saw a clip on Youtube. Margo Martindale's in that movie too?

I thought so too.  But they've really been laying on the love between the two so far. I don't know if she'll ever get to the point where Boyd needs to get rid of her as a liability.  She's what he's doing all of this for.

Considering what you've written, the promo for next week, and the way TV criminals work, I think it's definitely just a way to fuck with Raylan and to show him who is boss.

Oh of course. They only brought in Augustine to act as a Detroit Mafia heavy/surrogate type because they can't exactly have Theo Tonin walking around meddling in affairs.

Have the decided to make Tim un-gay?

Back when I thought the chair had Emulex under it, I thought they were going to kill Winona and the wee unborn Givens.  But yeah, I dunno.  Alls I know is if Winona dies, Ava probably isn't long for this world.  Especially with the way she was talking this episode about fate.

"First, though, the bad news: Nothing here is as directly catchy as “Machu Picchu” from Angles"
Um, that's not a good sign.